
Ver carrito “Marca páginas textil «Encaje de Camariñas»” se ha añadido a tu carrito.
  • Este separador de libros tiene un diseño del uno de los elementos más representativos del camino.

    St. James Way fabric bookmark "St James way red cross "

    A handmade  silk screen printed bookmark  on our exclusive  100% APP cotton panel. A beautiful red foil was applied on the cross design . This cross is another main symbol of Saint James pilgrimage that became a pilgrim simbol as well. The cross is a sword shape with three lilies in her arms and grip. Its origins are in the crusade and it represents the chivalrous character of St. James.

  • Separadores de libros en colores: negro, cuadros rosas, cuadros azules y blanco de inspiración vegetal (motivos florales).